Screen Print Phone Case Wallet Grey Crescent
$ 30.17 (USD)
How is it good for people & the planet?
Ethically Made by Artisans in Cambodia
Fights Human Trafficking
Made with Locally Sourced & Upcycled Materials
Malia Designs increases economic opportunity for women in Cambodia and supports organizations that fight human trafficking in Southeast Asia...
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Malia Designs increases economic opportunity for women in Cambodia and supports organizations that fight human trafficking in Southeast Asia. Their fair trade fashion products are made by small social enterprises that employ talented artisans, primarily at-risk women and the disabled. Through these partnerships they connect makers to Western markets, expanding their access to sustainable income and safe and dignified working conditions. Materials are sourced locally and often upcycled.
Screen Print Phone Case Wallet Leaf Prints Turquoise
$ 34.48 (USD)
How is it good for people & the planet?
Ethically Made by Artisans in Cambodia
Fights Human Trafficking
Made with Locally Sourced & Upcycled Materials
Malia Designs increases economic opportunity for women in Cambodia and supports organizations that fight human trafficking in Southeast Asia...
See All
Malia Designs increases economic opportunity for women in Cambodia and supports organizations that fight human trafficking in Southeast Asia. Their fair trade fashion products are made by small social enterprises that employ talented artisans, primarily at-risk women and the disabled. Through these partnerships they connect makers to Western markets, expanding their access to sustainable income and safe and dignified working conditions. Materials are sourced locally and often upcycled.