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How is The Greatest Good different from other sustainable and ethical marketplaces?

That’s easy. We are not a marketplace! Unlike other platforms that ultimately compete with each other and with brands for sales, we aren’t in the business of selling at all! At The Greatest Good, our only goal is to be a partner to conscious consumers and conscious brands, alike. We gather and publish information so that it is easier for all us to better care for one another and the planet. Some call it cliche, but we call it doing our greatest good.

How do I search and buy products?

A simple search on The Greatest Good brings together products and prices directly from your favorite ethical and sustainable brands. This means we gather your options and put them all in one place so you can easily compare products from various brands and either buy them immediately or save them to your favorites list to buy later on. You can also use our handy filters for Category, Impact, Shipping Destination, Impact by Region or Certifications to find what you’re looking for.

How does pricing work?

Prices come straight from the ethical fashion brands’ sites with no extra fee from us. When you’ve selected a product, it’s the brand or merchant who pays us for linking you to their site, not you. While we always strive to have the most accurate and up-to-date information, there can be inaccuracies. Sometimes it’s because the brand or merchant isn’t updating their inventory with us or hasn’t connected to our site properly. Sometimes it’s because another user has just purchased the last available item and the inventory hasn’t updated. We apologize for any errors that occur and will continue to work hard to have the most up-to-date information possible. If you have any issues at all, please get in touch with us via our Contact Us page.

How do we list results?

There are several factors that go into how we list results after you start a search. To be sure you’re finding the products you really want, we have filters to help refine your search.

How do I know if a brand ships to my country?

We know it is frustrating to make it almost to the end of a transaction only to find out that a product doesn’t ship to the country where you live. That is why we include an easy-to-use Shipping Destination filter.

What do I do if I have questions or concerns about my order?

All transactions are handled directly by brands. If you have any questions or concerns about your order, reach out directly to the brand on the site where you made your purchase.

What do I do if I need to return my order?

All shipping and returns are handled directly by brands. If you need to return a product, reach out directly to the brand on the site where you made your purchase.

How do we vet and verify brands?

We use a 4-Step Process to ensure that the brands you find on The Greatest Good are widely recognized as ethical and sustainable brands. To read about this process, click here.

How do I know which ethical and sustainable criteria a brand meets?

We are happy to give you many ways to learn about each brand’s sustainable and ethical business practices and commitments. First, check out the quick and easy-to-read brand descriptions. After thoroughly researching each brand, we put together a short summary of the brand’s highlights. If you want to read even more, you can click on the brand link to go directly to their site. Next, look for third-party certifications. If a brand has any third-party certifications, the logo for the certifying body will appear under the product or brand. To see a long list of globally-recognized certifications, click here. Lastly, look for Impact Tags. We currently use 15 different impact tags to indicate the positive impact(s) of each brand. These are: Artisan Made, Circular Economy, Climate Change, Fair Wages, Fair Trade, Non-Toxic Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Plant Based, Plastic Free, Poverty Alleviation, Slow Fashion, Sustainable Lifestyle, Vegan, Women and Zero Waste.

Why don’t some brands have any certifications?

The downside of certification is that it can be costly and time intensive. Many slow fashion brands are small and do not have the resources to pursue certification in their early stages. That’s why we do not require our brand partners to be certified. But rest assured that all the brands featured on The Greatest Good are vetted and verified by our team using a 4-Step Process to ensure their authenticity.

What are Impact Tags?

We currently use 15 different impact tags to indicate the positive impact(s) of each brand. These are: Artisan Made, Circular Economy, Climate Change, Fair Wages, Fair Trade, Non-Toxic Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Plant Based, Plastic Free, Poverty Alleviation, Slow Fashion, Sustainable Lifestyle, Vegan, Women and Zero Waste. You can use Impact Tags to discover brands that share your values and align with the greatest good you want to do.

What are Impact Regions?

If you want to do your greatest good in a specific geographic region, just use the Impact by Region filter to discover brands that are having a positive impact in that part of the world.

Why can’t I find the sustainable or ethical brand I’m looking for on The Greatest Good?

The Greatest Good is a new ethical and sustainable shopping platform that makes it easy for conscious consumers to discover and shop brands that share their values. We are adding more products and brands on an ongoing basis and encourage you to sign up for our email list to get new brand and product alerts, as well as sales and promotional notices.

What do I do if I have questions or feedback for The Greatest Good?

We would love to hear from you! To get in touch with us, go to our Contact Us page.

How do we work with brands?

We have contractual partnerships with most of the brands on the platform. If you’re a company that’s interested in working with us, check out our Partner With Us page.

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