It’s good to care for people and the planet.

The Greatest Good is a women founded and owned company on a mission to help us all better care for one another and the planet.

Most mainstream brands do not share these values. A recent study by Fashion Revolution found that 93% of fast fashion brands do not pay their garment workers a living wage. Fast fashion is also a major contributor to climate change, responsible for 8-10% of global carbon emissions.

But did you know that there are thousands of sustainable and ethical brands that have a positive impact on people and the planet? Here at The Greatest Good, we only partner with these brands!

A sustainable brand has a minimal negative impact or even a positive impact on the environment.

An ethical brand respects workers by paying fair wages and ensuring safe working conditions.

Here are some practices we look for when vetting a sustainable brand:

  • Produces Low/No Carbon & GHG Emissions
  • Is Carbon Positive
  • Uses Low/Zero-Carbon Technologies
  • Invests in Carbon Offsetting
  • Uses or Even Produces Renewable Energy
  • Energy Efficient Operations & Production
  • Implements Strategies to Reduce Water Use
  • Invests in Wastewater Treatment
  • Minimizes and Reduces Waste
  • Circular Manufacturing Strategy
  • Zero Waste Design
  • Upcycling
  • Just In Time Inventory/Production
  • Innovative Garment Solutions (Expandable Clothing, Capsule Collection, etc.)
  • Invests in Land Conservation or Restoration
  • Uses Regenerative Agriculture/Farming Practices
  • Uses Natural Materials/Ingredients
  • Uses Organic Materials/Ingredients
  • Uses Vegan Materials/Ingredients
  • Uses Post-Consumer Materials
  • Uses Recycled Materials
  • Uses Non-Toxic Materials
  • Uses Innovative Plant Based Materials
  • Uses Compostable Materials
  • Uses Cruelty-Free Materials (ex. Mulesing-free Wool, etc.)
  • Uses Low Impact Dyes
  • Uses Sustainable, Recycled and Recyclable Packaging
  • Offers Product Recycling Programs
  • Offers Second Hand Purchase Options
  • Sources Locally
  • Sources from Sustainable Suppliers

And here are some practices we look for when vetting an ethical brand:

  • Pays Fair Wages
  • Pays Living Wages
  • Never Employs Child Labor
  • Never Employs Slave Labor
  • Guarantees Safe Working Conditions
  • Gaurantees a Clean & Hygienic Workplace
  • Never Requires Excessive Work Hours
  • Never Forces Overtime
  • Offers Paid Leave & Holiday Time Off
  • Supports the Right to Organize
  • Is Free from Discrimination
  • Guarantees Wages & Prices
  • Promotes Gender Equity
  • Offers Healthcare
  • Offers Childcare

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